First SchoolBus Ride!

Ubiquitously, I continue to have a surfeit of Priceless Material and a dearth of Time.  So much of what I actually capture in this blog is Luck of the Draw.  (Nearly countless milestones in just the past two weeks!)  Yet today I stop EVERYTHING -as any mother would- to share THIS:

Our FirstBorn Child’s First Ride on the School Bus!

“ACTION HERO” – Holding Hands to the Bus Stop

Juice was all I could get in him for breakfast.

Flamly in Tow

Welcome to the New Normal MorningTime (7am pick up)!

The “Purple Dragon” Bus Arrives!

The yellow “Bus Tag” on his backpack includes our emergency contact info.

All Aboard!

A moment “Little Kids” can only dream of.

Purple Dragon’s Newest Passenger

Somehow our “Big” Boy doesn’t look so Big!

Our Fearless Trooper

Be still my heart!

“Mr. John,” A Patient Bus Driver

No doubt wondering how many more pictures before he can take off.

Bye Mom!

And then he was GONE.

Such a Big Moment.  So joyful.  So devastating!

Don’t Cry Mom!

Thank HEAVEN for Little Girls… who are Not Yet Old Enough to Ride the SchoolBus.

(Don’t even think about it, ClaraJane!)

About circuskitchen

performing artist, mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece... just a regular extraordinary person
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7 Responses to First SchoolBus Ride!

  1. Kathy Ziegler says:

    WOW! Paul called and shared the wonderful morning of such a independent and happy young boy on his first school bus ride. As well as a little tearful, you should be proud of this wonderful child. A wonderful grandson!

    love, Kathy

    ps. Clarajane is mighty cute. She, too,, will grow quickly. enjoy!

  2. Mary Margaret says:

    Awww, be still my heart.

    What a huge moment. How wonderful he’s already met the bus driver. How brilliant to give each bus it’s kid-friendly identifier name. How important to tie a yellow info tag right onto the child. What a brave boy Gavin is!! Now he really IS an “action hero.” So many new things in his short life recently, and he seems to be handling them all like the courageous little man he is.

    I predict everything will be cool on the bus and order will be kept, but stay alert for evidence of bullies. Encourage Gavin to sit not too far from the driver.

    In all my years riding a school bus in the 40s and 50s in Arkansas, I found it boring, tedious, and inconvenient, and would rather have been chauffeured to and from school like the princess I sometimes thought I was, but there were never any behavior or safety problems. In Wayland Amanda had a good time at the bus stop with her neighbor kids and didn’t have any big problems on the bus, but there was an untoward incident or two for which I would like to have gotten my hands on a couple of stupid arrogant older boys. And on the first bus-ride day for kindergarten she was far more scared than she let us know.

    It’s very reassuring to me (and to kids, I’m sure) that now parents stay with the kids at the bus stop until they board. I believe school staff meets the kids at the busses so the only un- or semi- supervised period is en route.

    Well, congratulations to our brave little boy Gavin.

    I guess that’s why god gives you a second child, to console you when the first starts to ride the school bus.

  3. Rob says:

    Remember your first bus ride home from… must’ve been Karl B. Munck, when I was supposed to help you out? Sorry… 😦

  4. Pingback: The Purple Dragon Strikes Again | circuskitchen

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