Homeschool Headmistress: Banana Bread

Tuesday, February 9th 2021


On this (first ever second presidential impeachment) day, I managed to make banana bread for my Distance Learners.



This is about all I’m good for, in terms of proctoring L’Ecole a la Maison; just Les Snacks.

And look at that child; food hanging right out her galactic face, right there in Class Meeting and her teacher just rolling with it.

I mean, I don’t *really* know what’s going on with all their schoolwork at any given time. And our “Dress Code” is pretty much, “Whatever you happened to wake up in.”

Oh the things these teachers see in our homes on the daily. I can only begin to imagine.



About circuskitchen

performing artist, mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece... just a regular extraordinary person
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